Waihi Beach Antique and Collectable Fair

Note: This information is from a PAST event.

Waihi Beach Antique and Collectable Fair

Wed 01 Jan, 2025   -   Thu 02 Jan, 2025

Location: Waihi Beach Community Centre
Time: Wed 9.00 am - 5.00 p.m. Thur - 9.00am - 4.00pm
Cost: Adults $4.00 - Children Under 14 Free

This is an annual event and has been held at Waihi Beach. It has a spectacular array of porcelain, beautiful gold jewellery, fine linen and intriguing knick knacks of all kinds. There are books to browse through, old implements to jog memories and many wonderful bargains for the discerning buyer.

Recently more modern collectables have been added to the mix making it a prime target for those wishing to start a collection of their own.

There is an Eft-pos machine available at the Antique Fair this year. Also the Waihi Beach R.S.A. has an Eft-pos machine and there is another in the Waihi Beach Village, next to L. J. Hooker Real Estate.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Les and Jenny Vuletich for all their help and assistance with setting up the Antique Fair over the past year’s. Without their help this would not be the success it is. With their help, it has grown from strength to strength each year. They both work so hard for our communtiy.

Money collected at the door is for maintenance and upgrades to the Waihi Beach Community Center. The Community Center is run by a small very hard working committee of locals, who endeavour to keep the hall operating for all community groups in our area. The WBCC is now 32 years old and there is continually maintenance to be carried out.

Hope to see you there next year.

Contact: Les Vuletich - P: 021 188 0302
Email: [email protected]